Connecting Anesthesia Providers & Facilities
Flexible Employment Opportunities
Indiana Anesthesia Solutions (IAS) provides flexible, high quality anesthesia coverage with MD and CRNA options. IAS connects experienced anesthesia providers with facilities needing urgent, short-term, or intermediate length coverage. IAS is a unique opportunity to connect anesthesia providers with employment opportunities without long term requirements.
Unlimited Flexibility
We are not a staffing company. Therefore, employers and job seekers have the ultimate flexibility. Traditional staffing agencies require weeks or months of commitment. We provide immediate and local opportunities thereby reducing costs for both providers and facilities.
Convenience of our Instant Payment Option
Unlike most staffing companies, payment can be received quickly and seamlessly. By utilizing our instant payment option, providers can be paid in as little as one day. Providers can gain greater financial flexibility to determine how and when they receive payment.
IAS Provides Unlimited Options
“I wish to write to all the employees of Indiana Anesthesia Solutions to express my gratitude for the hard work and knowledgeable assistance they gave me in the fall of 2020. I found myself with several months free between leaving a position of sixteen years and staring a new position. IAS advocated for me with administrations, assisted me with Credentialing procedures that changed markedly since I last credentialed, paid a competitive salary, and took care of all communications between the Locums Hospital and me. I have and will recommend any CRNA or MD anesthesiologist to Indiana Anesthesia Solutions.” – Mark T Viehmann MD, Diplomate ABA